从全部频道搜索 结果 154 条


  • 职业: 编剧 
  • 简介: 家王朝的崛起》、《Google的盈利法则:简单创富》、《中小学生学古诗写作文》及传记文学《赵维臣:见证中国经济大变革》、武侠小说《夺命佳人》、《我的芳名叫妞妞》;长篇史话《给帝王把脉:行走在宮廷的御医 [详细]

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《实习大叔》中文片段 大叔头脑风暴创意引发争论

《实习大叔》中文片段 大叔头脑风暴创意引发争论

视频 2013.06.03


简介: 《铁甲钢拳》、《博物馆奇妙夜》系列导演肖恩·利维新片《实习大叔》近日曝光片段。[电影网]独家编译中文版。 电影由讲述两个中年失业男自不量力的跑到google当实习生,还妄图有朝一日成为正式员工,可在 [详细]

《实习大叔》中文片段 搭讪漂亮女主管穷追不舍

《实习大叔》中文片段 搭讪漂亮女主管穷追不舍

视频 2013.06.03


简介: 《铁甲钢拳》、《博物馆奇妙夜》系列导演肖恩·利维新片《实习大叔》近日曝光片段。[电影网]独家编译中文版。 电影由讲述两个中年失业男自不量力的跑到google当实习生,还妄图有朝一日成为正式员工,可在 [详细]

实习大叔 (2013)

实习大叔 6


Googlewhack Adventure (2004)

Googlewhack Adventure 8.8
  • 0人看过|0人想看

马德汉·卡尔基 Madhan Karky

亨利·朱斯特 Henry Joost

  • 职业: 导演 演员 
  • 简介: Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman are a directing team, producers, best buds, and founders of the New York City production company Supermarché. They directed two films in 2016 -- Nerve, a summer hit released by Lionsgate, starring Emma Roberts and Dave Franco, and Viral, a low budget horror movie starring Sofia Black-D'Elia and Analeigh Tipton. They also executive produced the 2016 Sundance Film Festival hit White Girl, directed by Elizabeth Wood, which was picked up by Netflix and will be released theatrically in September. [详细]

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阿里尔·舒曼 Ariel Schulman

  • 职业: 演员 
  • 简介: Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman are a directing team, producers, best buds, and founders of the New York City production company Supermarché. They directed two films in 2016 -- Nerve, a summer hit released by Lionsgate, starring Emma Roberts and Dave Franco, and Viral, a low budget horror movie starring Sofia Black-D'Elia and Analeigh Tipton. They also executive produced the 2016 Sundance Film Festival hit White Girl, directed by Elizabeth Wood, which was picked up by Netflix and will be released theatrically in September. [详细]

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万籁鸣 Laiming Wan

《实习大叔》中文片段 新人培训大叔无厘头捣乱

《实习大叔》中文片段 新人培训大叔无厘头捣乱

视频 2013.07.26


简介: 《铁甲钢拳》、《博物馆奇妙夜》系列导演肖恩·利维新片《实习大叔》近日曝光片段。[电影网]独家编译中文版。 电影由讲述两个中年失业男自不量力的跑到google当实习生,还妄图有朝一日成为正式员工,可在 [详细]

《实习大叔》中文访谈 萝丝·拜恩赞欧文创造力强

《实习大叔》中文访谈 萝丝·拜恩赞欧文创造力强

视频 2014.02.08


简介: 《铁甲钢拳》、《博物馆奇妙夜》系列导演肖恩·利维新片《实习大叔》近日曝光访谈特辑。[电影网]独家编译中文版。电影讲述两个中年失业男自不量力的跑到google当实习生,还妄图有朝一日成为正式员工,可在 [详细]


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